Patient-Reported Outcome Measures
Most employers have little or no access to summary information about their employees’ care experiences and outcomes. Yet tracking the effectiveness of health treatments and interventions is pivotal to improving care quality, enhancing the patient experience, supporting value-based care and reducing costs.
PBGH is leading a national initiative to achieve universal adoption of patient-reported outcome measures. Patient-reported outcomes offer an ideal means for gaining insight into the care process. They support more accurate and detailed assessments of treatment efficacy and also help reduce inappropriate and costly care. In addition, patient-reported outcome measures serve as an accurate predictor of an employee’s quality of life, productivity and ability to return to work.
PBGH has developed a comprehensive, multiyear plan for achieving universal adoption of patient-reported outcome measures. Our strategy involves:
- Demonstrating the feasibility of collecting patient-reported outcomes at scale in communities nationwide
- Creating momentum behind patient-reported outcome implementations by recruiting the support of influential stakeholders, including government agencies and major payer, provider and consumer groups
- Encouraging the adoption of consistent payment programs and the data infrastructure necessary to support universal use of patient reporting in routine care
As part of this effort, PBGH is engaging in federal policy discussions to support the integration of self-reporting in Medicare payment reform programs and other care redesign initiatives.
Programs and Initiatives
Patient-Reported Outcomes — Oncology
Read More about Patient-Reported Outcomes — OncologyThis pioneering PBGH patient-reporting program seeks to track variations in symptoms experienced by patients undergoing curative chemotherapy to help optimize their treatments and ease their transition to cancer survivorship.
Patient-Reported Outcomes — Mental Health
Read More about Patient-Reported Outcomes — Mental HealthPBGH develops, implements and tests patient-reported mental health measures to improve treatment.

Public Commentary: Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures Oncology

Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures Case Studies

Patient Outcomes Matter Project Brief

Patient Outcomes Matter Issue Brief

Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures Oncology Technical Expert Panel Summaries

Patient Reported Outcomes Measures Comment Letter Oncology Care First 12/11/19

Patient Reported Outcomes Measures Comment Letter 9/29/19

Patient-Reported Outcomes—Oncology Public Commentary Report

Involving Employers in Patient-Centered Outcomes Research

Using Outcomes Information