CMA & CQC Joint Webinar – Lessons from the Field: Post-Telehealth Implementation

November 12th, 2020

During this special, joint webinar with the California Medical Association (CMA), attendees heard from clinician speakers from small and mid-sized physician practices who offered technology, workflow, and documentation improvements tested and adopted in virtual and hybrid care settings. Presenters shared solutions and challenges in telehealth implementation as well as expansion in small physician practices. Click here to view the webinar or here to view the slide deck (free; registration on CMA website required).

Primary & Maternity Care Integration

October 22nd, 2020

We learned what primary care practices can do to improve the health of pregnant individuals. Joined by Amy Romano of Primary Maternity Care and Dr Pooja Mehta of Cityblock, we heard what the definition and characteristics of primary maternity care are, lessons learned from implementing programs that support healthy pregnancies and birth, as well as operational perspective on building a maternity value-based payment model.



Optimize Virtual Chronic Disease Care

August 6th, 2020
Attendees discussed opportunities and identified challenges in sustaining virtual chronic disease care, and heard how participation in our CalHIVE Network can improve telehealth operations. Please see the webinar slide deck (no recording is available). We are also sharing PowerPoint slides with the “Virtual Dot Voting / Zoom Annotation” instructions for use in your own meetings.