December 23, 2020

Private employers show new interest in expanded Medicare and regulated drug prices

From the article in the LA Times:

“U.S. employers, battered by rising hospital and pharmaceutical prices, are increasingly open to a bigger government role in healthcare, including regulating prices and expanding Medicare to more working Americans.

In one recent survey, more than three-quarters of responding employers said government regulation of drug prices and hospital rates would be “very helpful” or “somewhat helpful.”

About half said a “Medicare public option” — usually understood to mean expanding eligibility for the large government health plan to younger Americans — would be helpful, according to the survey by the National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions, which represents employers that provide health benefits to their workers. That’s up from about 4 in 10 employers who responded to last year’s survey.”

“There is a significant difference in what employers are prepared to support,” said Elizabeth Mitchell, president of the Pacific Business Group on Health, a consortium of large companies including Boeing, Safeway, Walmart and Wells Fargo.

Read the full article here

Read about Private employers show new interest in expanded Medicare and regulated drug prices via LA Times   (opens in new window)