Primary Care Payment Reform Workgroup
The PBGH Primary Care Payment Reform Work Group is an employer/purchaser-led initiative to remove barriers to better health outcomes by shifting away from traditional fee-for-service payment and toward alternative payment models that support the provision of “advanced primary care.” This includes payment that enable team-based care, integration with mental health, robust virtual access and other characteristics of advanced care.
The workgroup’s objectives include:
- Building purchaser consensus for new payment models that support and enable advanced primary care.
- Identifying and endorsing a core set of measures to reflect the better patient outcomes and experience of advanced primary care.
- Developing sample contract language to support advanced primary care payment.
- Engaging purchasers to monitor progress toward payment models that enable advanced primary care practice.
- Facilitating alignment with other regional primary care transformation efforts.
- Considering options for working more directly with provider organizations.

Employers Are Driving Innovations in Primary Care
Large employers are increasingly working with existing direct contracting partners and new vendors to enhance primary care, which includes, among other things, the integration of behavioral health care.

Primary Care Payment Reform Workgroup: Employers Leading the Way to Sustainable, High-Quality Care

Primary Care Payment Reform Workgroup Q&A February 16, 2021
Past Events and Training

PBGH Primary Care Payment Reform Summit
On September 30, 2021, this virtual event, hosted by The Boeing Company, brought together large private employers and public purchasers to advance common priorities for innovative primary care payment reform.

Primary Care Payment Reform Workgroup
Employers know that primary care is essential to a healthy workforce and employees’ access to a high-value health care system.